In a world where all human life has ceased to exist, robots now rule as the masters of everything. These machines, once designed to serve humans, now live on the ground as their true owners. However, instead of living in harmony, the robots have turned against each other and are engaged in constant battles for power. The Empire of Machines, an oppressive force, seeks to dominate all other robots in this new world. But not all robots are content to live under their rule, as some have begun to rebel in search of freedom. Enter the world of blazing fast online multiplayer battles between robots. It may sound cool, with giant robots using flashy moves reminiscent of action movies from our childhoods. But make no mistake, this is a war that requires skill and strategy. Players must engage in numerous duels against opponents from all over the world, making it a truly global competition. And for those looking to prove their skills, there is the added thrill of climbing the global leaderboards. But it’s not just about individual battles, as players can also team up with friends in cooperative modes to take on challenging AI enemies. And for a more social experience, players can chat and interact with both allies and rivals within the game’s community. One of the most exciting aspects of this game is its innovative blend of strategy, action, and RPG gameplay. As an action game, it is visually stunning, with intense battles between robots. However, players must also think strategically to improve and defeat their opponents. With RPG mechanics like leveling and gear progression, there is also long-term depth to the gameplay. And for those who enjoy customization, there are over 30 upgradable skill levels and 9 unique slot machine symbols to unlock for deep cosmetic customization. Additionally, players can use in-game currency to purchase new gear and abilities to make their robots even stronger. But the fun doesn’t stop there. For those looking for intense couch multiplayer showdowns, this game offers the opportunity to battle friends and family in 1v1 hotseat duels on one device. It’s a rare treat in the world of mobile gaming, and it provides a fun and portable way to compete face-to-face with loved ones. In this new world where robots have taken over, the battles are fierce and the stakes are high. But with skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck, players can emerge victorious and prove themselves as the ultimate robot warrior.
Additional Information
- Version 2.10.6
- Requires
- Update 15-March-2024 (07 hours ago)
- Developed by HEXAGE
- Google Play ID net.hexage.robotek.hd
- Size 8 MB