The game Nobodies takes place during a global pandemic, as a terrorist organization called Q-100 has created a new virus and is preparing to test it. However, the government is able to identify the problem and use espionage to take down the organization, leading to their dissolution. The gameplay involves the player taking on the role of a Murder Cleaner, responsible for disposing of bodies and covering up the terrorist group’s actions. The main goal is to find and eliminate all those responsible for the assassination attempt. To play the game, the player must use objects and tools found at the crime scene to create a strategy and cover up the murders. This includes using a cement mixer to encase bodies and disposing of any evidence. The player can also use the inventory to keep track of items and drag them to the appropriate location. However, the player must be careful not to leave any traces behind, as this could lead to their own demise. Any objects borrowed from the scene must be returned, and the player must always keep in mind the importance of vanishing completely from the scene. This includes removing any evidence, such as bloodstains or clothing, that could link the player to the crime. The game is full of suspense and horror, with each scenario and activity involving a dead body. The player must constantly come up with new strategies to keep the other players in the game guessing about the killer’s identity. The controls are simple, allowing the player to touch and drag objects around the game world to carry out their tasks. In conclusion, Nobodies is a thrilling game that challenges players to cover up a terrorist organization’s actions and evade detection. With its easy controls and puzzle-solving gameplay, it is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats.
Additional Information
- Version 3.7.4
- Requires
- Update 24-May-2024 (06 hours ago)
- Developed by Blyts
- Google Play ID com.blyts.nobodies
- Size 123M