The story revolves around an ancient powerful force that has resurfaced after eons. This power has amplified the strength of all demons, making it unsustainable for humankind to thrive in this era. To combat this, a hero named ’Wukong’ has been summoned. Despite being the game’s protagonist, the story does not revolve around him.
While Wukong is a well-known character, the rest of the cast is completely new. The past has called out to him, leading him to explore diverse landscapes such as rivers, mountains, oceans, and lakes. His mission is to discover the cause of this tragedy and defeat the demons. The world is filled with new territories and exciting discoveries waiting to be made.
Wukong is a skilled fighter, but even he needs to take breaks. As he fights against the demons, the world and sky become shrouded in darkness. However, his strength should not be taken for granted. Even the long-extinct creatures he faces are formidable, and their armor only adds to the challenge. Winning against them requires great effort and skill.
The game’s plot and battles will keep players hooked as they watch their beloved character fight in epic battles. Through these battles, players can learn more about the situation and the people affected by it. To restore harmony among all beings, the ancient force must be eliminated.
Additional Information
- Version 0.3.7
- Requires
- Update 23-June-2024 (22 hours ago)
- Developed by MGIF
- Google Play ID
- Size 178 MB