’Embark on a thrilling journey with Crewmate Adventure: Animation Parkour as we follow the courageous Red and Blue on their mission to infiltrate the Black Organization’s lair. These skilled agents must find a way to access and break into the spacecraft to retrieve important information and safely return it. However, their escape from the ship will not be an easy task, and they will need your assistance to succeed. In this game, players will control two characters, Red and Blue, using the directional arrow keys located on the left corner of the screen. As they make their way through the ship, both characters must collect cards of their respective colors to unlock doors and escape. Along the way, players can also collect coins scattered throughout the ship. However, they must be cautious of obstacles such as laser beams, traps, and bodyguards that stand in their way. To switch between the two characters, simply use the shift button. One of the most exciting features of Crewmate Adventure is its diverse range of challenges. With hundreds of maps divided into different levels, players will have plenty to explore on their adventure. The levels are designed to increase in difficulty, pushing players to constantly upgrade their skills to overcome each challenge. Not only does the game offer thrilling challenges, but it also rewards players for their efforts. With each completed level, players will receive a fair amount of coins. Additionally, reaching specific milestones in the game will unlock a lucky spin, where players can win valuable gifts. Join Red and Blue on their daring mission and help them escape the spaceship in Crewmate Adventure: Animation Parkour.’
Additional Information
- Version 1.1.3
- Requires
- Update 30-November--0001 (00 hours ago)
- Developed by Azura Global
- Google Play ID com.crewmate.adventure.animation.parkour
- Size 61M