The second installment of the popular ’A Diary Of Darkness’ series, titled ’A Diary Of Darkness 2,’ picks up where the first game left off. Continuing the story of a detective investigating a strange case at the mysterious mansion with the number 136, this game offers players an engaging and thrilling experience through its various puzzles and features. One of the most beloved aspects of ’A Diary Of Darkness 2’ is its abundance of challenging puzzles scattered throughout the game. From simple tasks to complex riddles, players must use their problem-solving skills to progress through the game. Whether it’s opening locks or deciphering clues, each puzzle presents a unique and exciting challenge. The game’s captivating storyline has also received much praise. As players accompany the detective on his journey to uncover the mysteries of the mansion, they will encounter unexpected twists and turns. With each new discovery, the player’s interest is held captive by the well-written and engaging narrative. For players who may get stuck on a puzzle or need assistance, a hint system is available in ’A Diary Of Darkness 2.’ This feature provides helpful clues to guide players through the game and is especially beneficial for those new to puzzle games. The sound design of the game has also been a standout feature, adding to the overall unsettling atmosphere. The music and sound effects effectively immerse players in the mysterious world of the game, enhancing the overall experience. But perhaps the most appealing feature of ’A Diary Of Darkness 2’ is that it can be downloaded for free. With no entry requirements or hidden fees, players can enjoy the game without having to spend a penny. This allows players to fully immerse themselves in the challenging puzzles and captivating story without breaking the bank. In conclusion, ’A Diary Of Darkness 2’ offers a thrilling and engaging experience for players through its challenging puzzles, captivating storyline, helpful hint system, and immersive sound design. And with no cost to join in the fun, players of all levels can enjoy this game and its mysteries at the enigmatic mansion with the number 136.
Additional Information
- Version 1.2.15
- Requires
- Update 30-November--0001 (17 hours ago)
- Developed by Bamgru
- Google Play ID com.bamgru.diaryofdarkness2
- Size 48M